miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

[The Best Option..]

The best option to shut up a talking mouth is...

isn't to Punch or Hit it

Just let it speak all it want, and then

eventually will be tired of launch all that poison

And then, you prove that you're someone Strong

and you don't get down to that level.

La mejor opcion para callar una boca habladora es..

no es golpeandola

solo deja que hable todo lo que quiera, entonces

eventualmente se cansara de lansar todo el veneno

y habras demostrado entonces, que eres alguien fuerte

y que no te rebajarias a tan poco nivel.

~~~~~~~~~~~Y asi esta todo no?


Bueno, ayer una experiencia weeeeeeena!!

Hablar contigo mi amod!

hablamos mushotototototoe

Nada mas ke espero no se te haia akabado el saldo >______<"

por que quiero oirte despues mi niño x)

Te Amooooooo



Yo me retiro, redactare la practica de Fisica asi que Ñaaa

Nos vemos x) Mañana Tambien creo que Publicare algo x)

asi ke aki andamos x)

Miren esta imagen es tan Ironica! x)

If you can read this. you are NOT a True MEXICAN!

martes, 24 de febrero de 2009


Todo ultimamente va tan monotono, todo conuna rutina casi casi planeada,
despertarse es el reto de todos los dias, cuando al fin lo logro,me alisto, un baño, peinarme cambiarme, aveces desayunar, lavarme los dientes y esperar, esperar a aque mi tia se apresure y salga para llevarme a la escuela. Siempre es igual, excepto en el momento de tratar de llegar a la primera hora (8am-9am) hay veces que no lo consigo....

De ahi en fuera, todo va tan aburrido, no malinterpreten, me divierto con mis amigos -o compañeros de clase muy cercanos, por que amigos, aun no tanto- risas y juego, pero no se, mi vida varia tan poco dia con dia, cada dia es diferente al anterior por una milesima de cambio.

Aun que ultimamente he perdido un poco el contacto con ese ser que amo mucho, pero aun asi me comunico con él. Cada dia se vuelve mas pesada la distancia entre los 2 eso si, pero la sabremos conyevar para seguir adelante, lo se.

Ya tengo otro amigo -por asi decirlo- con el que comparto momentos divertidos, pero son pocos pues apenas tenemos 2 o 3 clases juntos, pero se que es divertido. Espero a que sea Jueves y Viernes para poder ver a Panshis, por que, me la paso bien cuando estoy con ella y con sus amigos Carmen, Karen, Lupita, Bety, "Tere", Robert, entre otros que no recuerdo por el momento.

La unica clase que disfruto mucho es Ingles, me gusta como mi "Teacher" nos da la clase, asi mismo el Ingles es algo que me gusta, quiza no sea un as en el ingles pero por mucho me gusta.

Hoy es una fecha importante, El cumpleaños de mi Hermanito, Cumple 7 apenas y ya es un adicto a los videojuegos, mas bien a Pokemon, es mucho mas "vicio" que yo. Mi moustrito lo extraño aunque me haga enojar cuando lo veo o no me haga caso, pero aun asi lo Quiero. Tambien hoy es dia de la Bandera, creo que en Mexico ya nadie la celebra, dejando a sus alumnos sin clases -no recuerdo, pero juraria que si daban el dia libre-

Y en fin, basicamente eso es la monotonia de mis dias.

Si el sol dejara de brillar
hay una alternativa para luz encontrar
con estar juntos es suficiente
para alumbrar todo lo que no puede el sol ausente
con una mirada inerte,
un poco ausente,
es como estoy si a mi lado no te tengo
tu llenas mi pensamiento.

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

[The Calling, The Airplane.. and GO!]

hahaha no se por que el titulo, me gusto xD
No no es cierto, The calling por la llamada que hice ayer, the airplane, por que pasaron aviones bien cerca y seguidos jajaja y VAMOS! xD

ñaa no tengo nada que hacer, ahorita ando todo aburrido D: Ya me quiero ir a mi casa pero no puedo, tengo Lab de Fisica D: de 6-8pm
Espero no salir tan tarde D:

Ahhh y me puse a terminar bien una practica (la que debimos de entregar la semana pasada, pero no fue el profe) y asi x) ia la termine asi ke me puedo hacer menzo 35mins mas que es lo que queda de mi tiempo en el lab de informatica, por que ya use 2 horas anteriormente en el dia y solo puedes usar 3hrs diarias de compus jajaja asi que orita welvo y ya nu ntro D: hasta mañana xP

no se que mas decir, ando con toooooda la weva del mundo la vdd,
ahhh quiero sacar dinero para mañana o en la semana pagar la colegiatura e Ingles, para YA por fin librarme de deudas antes de que se venza el plazo que nos dan D:

Que mas poedo decir?
Quiero trabahar!!! pero con un horario como este, no se puede, y MENOS el lunes ¬¬
en fin...

Me retiro x)

Shala laaaa shala laaaa x)

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

[The Free Time..]

Bueno mientras que el profe de Etica no llegó a la clase, pues me vine al lab de Info, y aqui entre para escribir sobre lo que sea jajaja.

Con respecto a lo de la tarea de ingles....

Escogi 2 pares de imagenes para comparar:

Una naranja y una manzana
Laptop y Computadora de escritorio

jajaja y todo curaz...

Bueno me retiro x)

martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

[The Harder Thing...]

XD Well, aplique lo que estaba viendo en Ingles hoe XD
Los comparativos... y poes esta facil, lo que me lleva a que tengo que hacer mi tarea, buscar 2 pares de imagenes, pero hemm no encuentro que poner xD

Aparte de que tengo algo de hambre xD pero me quize quedar para la clase de Ingles 7 ¬¬ hahaha

Ahh sie XD lo de Harder, por que TODOS estos dias he estado cargando con un libro INMENSO! TT-TT para Matematikas diskretas TT-TT pero pesaaa como no tienen idea D:
En fin.....

En fin, bueno yo tenia planeado trabajar en esta semana en algo que tenia que ver con entregar las credenciales nuevas de la escuela, pero, valio, pues se llenaron los cupos siendo que si me habia apuntado D: en fin

no hay problema, mañana me toca a mi recojer la mia y le hare el momento dificil a quien le toque atenderme xD ... naaa no soe tan malo jajaja

y asi no? pues no se que mas poner, ocupo una memoria nueva TT-TT perdi mi USB D: tanto que me gustaba D:

Y YA! la neta no se ke mas poner

son las 5pm y no tengo muchas ganas de irme a casa, bueno solo por el hecho de que quiero comer XD pero de ahi en fuerda naa D:

---------Debes de saber------

Algo que deberias saber
es que todo este querer
para ti va dirigido
en todos los senrtidos

Algo que no debes olvidar
es que jamas voy a dejar
de pensar en siempre estar contigo
por siempre estaremos unidos

Por que mi vida no me alienta
por que sin ti esto no es vida
por que no se como seguir
no tu no estas junto a mi para vivir

-----------Si me dices Adios--------

Si me dices adios
Dame una razon
para continuar sin mi corazon

Si me dices adios
Dame un motivo
para dejarte en el camino
por que por mas que lo intente
tu siempre estas presente
Por mas que lo quiera
olvidarte nunca podré.

Estoy seguro y puedo decir
que sin ti yo no podria vivir
Y aunque me digas adios
tu siempre estaras en mi corazon

--------------------------- No se, no me convencen xD pero son varios

ya saben no soy muy buen poeta, pero me nacen en veces...

Okei los dejo hasta aqui hehehe
hare mi tarita xD
Adiiooooooz xD

-------Mod te amo BB MOZzO

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

[A Story You Never Spread]

poes como stoe buscando lecturas para hacer mi tarea de Ingles, ese titulo no se por que vino xD

Poes hoe es el bday de mi mom xD


Les dehare unahistoria que me llamo la atencion por lo de Dragon xD

The Dragon RockThis story begins with Once Upon A Time, because the best stories do, of course. So, Once Upon A Time, and imagine if you can, a steep sided valley cluttered with giant, spiky green pine trees and thick, green grass that reaches to the top of your socks so that when you run, you have to bring your knees up high, like running through water. Wildflowers spread their sweet heady perfume along the gentle breezes and bees hum musically to themselves as they cheerily collect flower pollen. People are very happy here and they work hard, keeping their houses spick and span and their children's faces clean. This particular summer had been very hot and dry, making the lean farm dogs sleepy and still. Farmers whistled lazily to themselves and would stand and stare into the distance, trying to remember what it was that they were supposed to be doing. By two o'clock in the afternoon, the town would be in a haze of slumber, with grandmas nodding off over their knitting and farmers snoozing in the haystacks. It was very, very hot. No matter how hot the day, however, the children would always play in the gentle, rolling meadows. With wide brimmed hats and skin slippery with sun block, they chittered and chattered like sparrows, as they frolicked in their favourite spot. Now, their favourite spot is very important to this story because in this particular spot is a large, long, scaly rock that looks amazingly similar to a sleeping dragon. The children knew it was a dragon. The grown ups knew it was a dragon. The dogs and cats and birds knew it was a dragon. But nobody was scared because it never, ever moved. The boys and girls would clamber all over it, poking sticks at it and hanging wet gumboots on its ears but it didn't mind in the least. The men folk would sometimes chop firewood on its zigzagged tail because it was just the right height and the Ladies Weaving Group often spun sheep fleece on its spikes. Often on a cool night, when the stars were twinkling brightly in a velvet sky and the children peacefully asleep, the grown ups would settle for the evening with a mug of steaming cocoa in a soft cushioned armchair. Then the stories about How The Dragon Got There began. Nobody knew for sure, there were many different versions depending on which family told the tale, but one thing that everybody agreed on, was this:
< 2 >
In Times of Trouble The Dragon will Wake And Free the Village By making a Lake This little poem was etched into everybody's minds and sometimes appeared on tea towels and grandma's embroidery. The days went by slowly, quietly and most importantly, without any rain. There had been no rain in the valley for as long as the children could remember. The wells were starting to bring up muddy brown water and clothes had to be washed in yesterday's dishwater. The lawns had faded to a crisp biscuit colour and the flowers drooped their beautiful heads. Even the trees seemed to hang their branches like weary arms. The valley turned browner and drier and thirstier, every hot, baking day. The townsfolk grew worried and would murmur to each other when passing with much shaking of heads and tut tuts. They would look upwards searching for rain clouds in the blue, clear sky, but none ever came. "The tale of the Dragon cannot be true," said old Mrs Greywhistle, the shopkeeper. "It hasn't moved an inch, I swear," replied her customer, tapping an angry foot. It was now too hot for the children to play out in the direct sun and they would gather under the shade of the trees, digging holes in the dust and snapping brittle twigs. "The Dragon will help us soon," said one child. "He must do Something," agreed another. "I'm sure he will." They all nodded in agreement. A week went by with no change, the people struggling along as best they could. Some were getting cross at the Dragon and would cast angry, sideways looks at it when passing. The villagers were becoming skinny eyed and sullen. Meanwhile, the children had a plan. Quickly and quietly, they moved invisibly around town, picking and plucking at the fading flowers. With outstretched arms and bouquets up to their chins, they rustled over to where the giant rock lay, as still as ever. The boys and girls placed bunches of flowers around the Dragon in a big circle. They scattered petals around its head and over its nose, then danced around and around it, skipping and chanting the rhyme that they all knew so well. In Times of Trouble The Dragon Will Wake And Save the Village By making a Lake. The searing heat made them dizzy and fuzzy and finally they all fell in a sprawling heap at the bottom of the mound. They looked up at the rock.
< 3 >
Nothing happened. A dry wind lazily picked up some flower heads and swirled them around. The air was thick with pollen and perfume. A stony grey nostril twitched. "I saw something," cried the youngest boy. They stared intently. An ear swiveled like a periscope. The ground began to rumble. "Look out! Run!Run!" The children scampered in all directions, shrieking and squealing, arms pumping with excitement. The rumbling grew and grew. The Dragon raised its sleepy head. It got onto its front feet and sat like a dog. It stood up and stretched, arching its long scaly back like a sleek tabby cat. It blinked and looked around with big kind, long lashed eyes. And then its nostrils twitched and quivered again. The older folk were alerted by the screams and shrieks. The ladies held up their long skirts to run and the men rolled their sleeves up and soon the whole town stood together in a tight huddle at the foot of the hill, staring up at the large beast with mouths held open. "AHHHHH AAHHHHHHHHH!!" The noise erupted from the Dragon. "AHHHHH AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The families gripped each other tighter and shut their eyes. "AHHHHH CHOOOOOOOOO!!" The sneeze blasted from the Dragon like a rocket, throwing it back fifty paces, causing a whirlwind of dust and dirt. "AHHHHH CHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The second blast split open the dry earth, sending explosions of soil and tree roots high into the sky like missiles, and something else too ... The people heard the sound but couldn't recognize it at first for it had been such a long time since their ears had heard such tinkling melody. As their eyes widened in wonder, their smiles turned into grins and then yahoos and hoorahs. Water, cold, clear spring water, oozed, then trickled, then roared out of the hole, down the hillside and along the valley floor. The torrent knocked over a farmer's haystack, but he didn't care. The river carried away the schoolteacher's bike shed but she cared not a jot. It even demolished the Ladies Bowling Club changing rooms but they howled with laughter and slapped their thighs. When the flood sent pools of water out towards the golf course, filling up sixteen of the nineteen holes, the men just hooted and whistled and threw their caps up in the air.
< 4 >
What used to be a dirty, brown dust bowl, now gleamed and glistened in the sunlight, sending playful waves and ripples across the lake and inviting all to share. "HMMMMM," sighed the Dragon sleepily, and showing his perfect movie star teeth. "Seeing as I'm awake ..." And he lumbered forward with surprising grace and style and disappeared into the cool dark water with a small wave of a claw and flick of his tail. They never saw him again. After the families had restored and rebuilt the village, and set up sailing clubs for the children, and scuba diving for the grandparents, they erected a bandstand and monument in the spot where the Dragon used to lay. Every year to mark the occasion, they would bring garlands of flowers and herbs and arrange them in a big circle. The children would have the day off school, for it was known as 'Water Dragon Day' and wearing the dragon masks that they had been working on all week, would skip and clap and sing. The Dragon helped Us As We said He would Do Hooray for The Dragon Achoo, Achoo, ACHOOOO! And that is the end of the story.

*---*--**--La verdad no la he leido xD
------------pero DRAGOOON!